
Allie n Steve has been writing songs and lyrics, performing, composing jingles and film scores, remixing historic field recordings, and playing with the audio format for over 30 years.  The lines between these forms continue to melt and reform as AnS explores the mashing up of iconic styles and time periods, overlapping melodies and rhythms, and the musicality of the spoken word. 

In constant awe of the endless possibilities of “12 notes and a handful of rhythms,” Allie n Steve thinks of almost everything they make now as a form of sculpture, of the expressive power in our hands when we bend time and pitch.

Take a listen to some recent works below.

A Yankee Clipper in Congo Square

A Yankee Clipper in Congo Square is a contemporary recasting of American archival audio from the 1920’s-50’s featuring artists such as Blind Willie Johnson, Jelly Roll Morton and Aunt Molly Jackson, originally recorded by folklorists Alan Lomax, Herbert Halpert and others for the Library of Congress.

The goal was to create a modern historical mash-up, with each cultural and musical reference remaining true to its own style, and to wind up somewhere between folk song, film music and remix.

A Yankee Clipper In Congo Square can be purchased as an album or as tracks for film and TV cues. See below for more.

A Yankee Clipper In Congo Square can be purchased as an album or as tracks for film and TV cues. See below for more.


 Listen to the full playlist on Soundcloud.


A Yankee Clipper
Film & TV Cues

Breakdowns and remixes created for use in broadcast media.

All tracks are customizable.

Please reach out to Allie n Steve to inquire about use and terms.

Musical Poems


Amiri Baraka refers to it, in his book “Blues People,” as ‘significant tone,’ the expressive power of language and voice, our ability to shift meaning through pitch, dynamics, inflection, the emphasis on a consonant or syllable, stretching or hanging on a word. We explore this in a million different ways. Every day. The ‘poems’ below are my attempt to find the music embedded in the way we talk.


“. . . it runs deep, whatever it is that connects us . . .”


We Can Disagree

“. . . it’s nothing to be afraid of . . .”


Inflection Point

In which a cross-gender idealist, a cross-racial cynic, and a cross-examining anchorwoman explore the everyday drama of breaking the color-line in 1960s suburbia and today.

Portrait of The King Family

Portrait of The King Family

Film and TV Cues
for Licensing

A variety of styles and genres recorded over the past 30 years, and available for use in broadcast media.

Please reach out to Allie n Steve to inquire about use and terms.